Saturday, June 30, 2007

After the Gold Bird

Today was a big day for Peep.

First, we tried my homegrown strawberries.

Peep seemed skeptical: Disinterest followed:And then outright mockery: (My apologies for the blurry photo, but that's Peep actually stepping onto the proffered strawberry.)

Peep took a more active interest in a present from my mom. Enter Mr. Rooster, the newest member of my menagerie.

As for the iPhone, we're setting up a photo shoot for tomorrow...Peep wants her beauty rest so she can look her best next to the sweetest phone ever.

Bird Song of the Day: Birds - Neil Young

Friday, June 29, 2007

Blueberries for Peep

After a long hard day of working, donating blood (and nearly fainting), getting lost in Chinatown, and eating rooftop bbq (ok, that part wasn’t so bad), I didn’t have much time to spend with the wee one last night. This morning, however, I introduced Peep to blueberries.

She wasn’t very impressed. Despite all my attempts to bring attention to the berries (mushing it up, eating it myself, etc.) she pretty much turned her little beak up at them. Oh well.

Maybe she’ll like my fire escape strawberries better:

Never doubt my green thumb again.

In weekend news, Peep is very excited about a "nearly flawless" movie featuring another barnyard critter. Let's hope she doesn't peep too much during the show.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Peep: Chicken or Mountain Goat?

Kait is right, Peep has grown! And she has learned to climb! I almost didn't make it out the door this morning.

Maybe she'll learn to clean up after herself next. I've found that keeping Peep's water clean is a rather Sisyphean task. As soon as I put the clean bottle down, she runs over and does a little dance with her little chicken legs aflailin' – wood shavings right back in the water. I imagine this is what eating 27 hot dogs in 12 minutes only to be rewarded with 60 more pounds of hot dogs must feel like. Well, kind of.

Oh, and Mom, I can't wait to bring some fruit home for her. Peep, you crazy little mountain goat, there's a feast headed your way!

Bird Song of the Day: Peacocks - The Mountain Goats

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Majestic Sunbird

Peep tried to get in on the blogging action this morning.

Peep: PEEP peep PEEEEEEEP peep
Nell: What's that Peep? You can't work under these conditions?
Peep: Chirp chirp Peep! Peep!
Nell: You need a MacBook Pro?
Peep: Peep peep chirp peeeeeeep. Peep!
[translation: Yes, of course. But an iPhone first!]

Smart chicken.

Also, my country friends, please do us city folk a favor and pray for that these power outages end (or at least stay on the upper east side).

Bird Song of the Day: Majesty, Snowbird - Sufjan Stevens

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Peep is Popular

Peep had her first visitors today. She loved the attention and I loved the gifts (oh, um, and the company!). With all this undivided attention, Peep is in serious danger of becoming an avian genius. When she starts chirping plays (or poems, for that matter), I'll know whom to credit.

But seriously, friends, thanks for the food and wine. Peep welcomes you back any time (except you, Michele...something about grilled chicken).

And now, after a great deal of post-visit-rehash-chirping, she's sound asleep in her box. B
etween the country mouse and my childhood hot water bottle heater, her apartment is starting to resemble a little stuffed animal farm.

Bird Song of the Day: Blackbird - Elliott Smith

Chicks Can Be So Needy

It seems that Peep (Alice?) has grown quite attached to being held. Snuggled into my shirt with one hand, she's quiet and sweet. Put down in her house, she's loud (PEEP!) and angry. Despite reassurances that she's "weeks" away from being able to fly-jump out of her box, she did just that last night in angry defiance of being set down. So, I caved and kept her snuggled into my hand for most of the evening. We sent some emails, we watered the plants, we talked on the phone. We watched Big Love. She didn't seem all that impressed.

I was finally able to settle her down in her little apartment by cuddling her into a sheep-shaped hot water bottle cover. Then I turned off all the lights, ran into my bedroom and shut the door.

On a separate note, I passed this sign on the way to 'wichcraft for lunch yesterday. It made me smile. And then I ordered the chicken salad sandwich. It was delicious! Don't tell Alice.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Peep Will Communicate!

I have to admit, I was pretty worried about Peep today. She was alone for about 12 hours with only her stuffed mouse and my iPod for company. So I was relieved to find her safe and sound (and bigger?) when I arrived home. Maybe I need a webcam...

I've been trying to keep some background noise around for her amusement. Last night it was Aimee Mann, tonight we're enjoying a little of Wilco's new album. She hasn't stopped chirping since I put it on -- I'm not sure if that's good or bad -- but she certainly has an opinion.

For those wondering, Peep's set-up is far less elaborate than the one featured in the Times article.

Empty air conditioner box + food tray + water bottle + Mr. Mouse = Chez Peep

Bird Song of the Day: Hummingbird - Wilco


Marc raises an excellent point -- the wee one is still nameless! I've been calling her Peep for now, but I'd love to be a little more original than that. Anyone know of any famous historical chickens?

Also, I must admit, I'm not braving totally uncharted territory. Let's hope it doesn't get to this point:

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Peep Peeps in Brooklyn

Big news: I've taken temporary custody of a baby chick from my mother's farm. For unknown reasons she's "failed to thrive" among her dozen or so chickmates. At about half the size of the others, there were concerns that she'd get trampled in the coming weeks. So we loaded her up in the volvo, hit the road and here she is in Brooklyn! I'll be posting updates (daily hopefully) so check back to see how the little peep does in the big city.

Let's just hope my landlord doesn't find out :)