Friday, June 29, 2007

Blueberries for Peep

After a long hard day of working, donating blood (and nearly fainting), getting lost in Chinatown, and eating rooftop bbq (ok, that part wasn’t so bad), I didn’t have much time to spend with the wee one last night. This morning, however, I introduced Peep to blueberries.

She wasn’t very impressed. Despite all my attempts to bring attention to the berries (mushing it up, eating it myself, etc.) she pretty much turned her little beak up at them. Oh well.

Maybe she’ll like my fire escape strawberries better:

Never doubt my green thumb again.

In weekend news, Peep is very excited about a "nearly flawless" movie featuring another barnyard critter. Let's hope she doesn't peep too much during the show.

1 comment:

kaitlin said...

I'm highly impressed by the strawberries. Bet Peep will gobble them up!
Is she talking on the iPhone yet?