Tuesday, July 10, 2007

As You Wish, Princess Peep

Peep is pretty much queen of the Brooklyn castle these days. Here she is surveying her domain from her perch (my knee).

And she's been getting quite the education. In recent days, we've graduated her from music to literature. After the wood chips ran out, I had to switch to newspaper to line her box. Seeing as I don't get the newspaper, I had to resort to the next best thing -- my half-read, ice coffee-stained
New Yorker cast-offs. I made sure to start with David Denby movie reviews, but I spared Sasha Frere-Jones the indignity.

She's also been catching up on all the novels published in the last two years. We just finished The Brooklyn Follies; Didion's
The Year of the Magical Thinking is the current selection. She's pretty impressed.

Note: I had an adorable picture of Peep reading, but sadly my camera -- like everything else in my apartment (grill, ipod dock, four lights) -- has stopped functioning. Apologies!

In other news, I attended two fabulous weddings this weekend. One included butterflies and peonies, the other donuts and the most whimisical animals-made-of-sneakers (ostrich below). Peep was with me in spirit.

Bird Song of the Day: I'm a Cuckoo - Belle & Sebastian
and, (gladly) upon request: And Your Bird Can Sing - The Beatles

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