And she's been getting quite the education. In recent days, we've graduated her from music to literature. After the wood chips ran out, I had to switch to newspaper to line her box. Seeing as I don't get the newspaper, I had to resort to the next best thing -- my half-read, ice coffee-stained New Yorker cast-offs. I made sure to start with David Denby movie reviews, but I spared Sasha Frere-Jones the indignity.
She's also been catching up on all the novels published in the last two years. We just finished The Brooklyn Follies; Didion's The Year of the Magical Thinking is the current selection. She's pretty impressed.
Note: I had an adorable picture of Peep reading, but sadly my camera -- like everything else in my apartment (grill, ipod dock, four lights) -- has stopped functioning. Apologies!
In other news, I attended two fabulous weddings this weekend. One included butterflies and peonies, the other donuts and the most whimisical animals-made-of-sneakers (ostrich below). Peep was with me in spirit.
Bird Song of the Day: I'm a Cuckoo - Belle & Sebastian
and, (gladly) upon request: And Your Bird Can Sing - The Beatles
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