Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's All Over Now Baby Peep

Part III of a three part series chronicling Peep's departure from the Big Apple and her return to Connecticut.

Last we left Peep, she was back on the farm, exploring the new country setting -- dogs and cats and apples oh my! Then it came time to meet her old chickmates. It had been almost a month since they last shared a home.

Peep appeared anxious.

Her fears turned out to be valid. That chicken on the left, below, is Peep's sister. Although you can't tell from this picture, she's at least twice as big as Peep.

A side-by-side comparison.

So it seems, despite the NPR and New Yorker and Brooklyn air , Peep still hadn't caught up in size.

Mom says she's "special".

Well, it turns out chicken's aren't very nice to the "special" ones -- or at least the smaller ones. We put Peep down in the coop and it wasn't pretty. There was some pecking and lots of Peep distressed peeping. That said, it was probably more traumatic for me than her. Regardless, we decided Peep needed a room of her own. One trip to Home Depot later, Peep had her very own country house.

It has a view of the horse.

And the other chickens.
Peep took to her new hay-lined habitat immediately. Over the past week, we've slowly introduced a few of the nicer chicks to Peep's home; she seems to be making friends. Soon, all the chickens will be big enough to be out of the coops and out on the farm, living the country life.

Peep, however, will always have her Brooklyn pied-a-terre.

And I'll always remember when she was this little.

Last Bird Song of the Day: Freebird

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nell...I know it's no replacement, but I came across this tonight and thought of you...well..not that it reminded me of you, but you get the idea :)
